TRADE SHOW EXPERTS specialize in advisory, consultancy and market research services for companies and institutions active in the exhibitions and conferences industry. The company is owned and managed by Michael Dreyer, a trade show expert with more than 30 years of experience in the industry.
In previous roles, Michael has set up the Asia Pacific business for Deutsche Messe AG, Hannover, Germany, and more recently he was holding the position as Group Vice President Asia Pacific for Koelnmesse. In this function, he has set up, managed and grown Koelnmesse's entire network of companies and events in Asia Pacific.
TRADE SHOW EXPERTS is closely working with a network of strong and reliable partners. A special partnership with Germany based FAIR RELATIONS GmbH enables us to offer strategic advisory services, as well as dedicated M&A support, both in Asia and in Europe.
We are an active member of the leading Associations of the Industry, UFI – The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry.